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Curriculum Vitae



​National University of Singapore
Ph.D., Biological Sciences, 2010-2014

Boston University
B.A., Biological Sciences, 2003-2007

Summa cum laude, with distinction


Grants, Scholarships, and Awards

​Travel Award

National University of Singapore, 2014


Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)
National University of Singapore, 2010-2014

Senior Book Award in Biology
Boston University, 2007

Phi Betta Kappa
Boston Univeristy, Epsilon of Masettchusetts, 2007
Funded Research Opportunities Grant
Boston University, 2007

Ester Chandler Scholarship
Boston University College of Arts and Sciences, 2004-2007


Poo, S. (In prep). Flood-induced hatching, chronological changes in escape response in a treefrog. 


Poo, S. (In prep). Male call during amplexus in a Southeast Asian treefrog, Chiromantis hansenae (Amphibia: Rhacophoridae). 


Poo, S. (In prep). First report of Xenochrophis piscator (Reptilia: Natriciidae) predation of gelatinous frog eggs.


Poo, S., Evans, T.A., Tan, M.K., & Bickford, D.P. (submitted). Dynamic switching in predator attack and maternal defense of prey. 


Karraker, N., Fischer, S., Aowphol, A., Sheridan, J., & Poo, S. (submitted). Signals of forest loss and degradation in the demography of Asian amphibians.


Poo, S. & Bickford, D.P. (2014). Hatching plasticity in a Southeast Asian Treefrog. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. doi: 10.1007/s00265-014-1781-0  PDF | URL 

Springer Select | Science Daily | Science World Report | Natural World News | PhysOrg | Design & Trend


Poo, S. and Bickford, D.P. (2013). The adaptive significance of egg attendance in a Southeast Asian treefrog. Ethology, 119(8), 671-679. doi: 10.1111/eth.12108   PDF | URL 

* This study is featured as the cover story for Natural History (May, 2014)  

Natural History (cover) Science Daily Nature World News Science Newsline | Asian Scientist | Science Codex PhysOrg | Red Orbit NUS News NUS Knowledge Enterprise | Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 


Bickford, D., Poo, S., & Posa, M. R. C. (2012). Southeast Asian biodiversity crisis. In D. Gower, K. Johnson, J. Richardson, B. Rosen, L. Rüber & S. Williams (Eds.), Biotic evolution and environmental change in Southeast Asia. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.   PDF |URL


Caldwell-Harris, C. L., Tong, J., Lung, W., & Poo, S. (2011). Physiological reactivity to emotional phrases in Mandarin—English bilinguals. International Journal of Bilingualism, 15(3), 329-352. doi: 10.1177/1367006910379262.   PDF | URL


Poo, S. (2014). Dynamic switching in attack and defense behaviors between a predator and maternal guardians of its prey. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference, Sacramento, CA. 


Poo, S. (2014). The adaptive significance of egg attendance in a Southeast Asian treefrog. International Society for Behavioral Ecology Annual Conference, New York, NY. 


Poo, S. (2014). The adaptive significance of egg attendance in a Southeast Asian treefrog. Society for Conservation Biology Asia Conference, Malacca, Malaysia. 


Poo, S. (2013). Parental care of a Southeast Asian treefrog, Chiromantis hansenae. Biological Sciences Graduate Congress, Bangkok, Thailand. Best Oral Presentation 2nd place.


Poo, S. (2011). Evolutionary Ecology and Conservation: comparative, reproductive, and applied biodiversity research. National University of Singapore Department of Biological Science Research Lab Talks, Singapore.


Poo, S. (2010). Parental Care in a Southeast Asian Amphibian. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Annual Meeting, Bali, Indonesia. 


Poo, S. (2007). An analysis of embryonic development across the premature hatching period in leaf-breeding treefrogs, genera Agalychnis and Pachymedusa. Biology Work for Distinction Symposium, Boston University, Boston, MA.  


Harris, C.L., Lung, W., Mehta, N., Poo, S., Robles, C., and Swaminathan, N. (2005). When does a First Language Feel More Emotional to Bilingual Speakers? Eastern Psychological Studies Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.


Research Experiences

Graduate Research in Behavioral Ecology 
National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE &

Sakaerat Environmental Research Station, THAILAND  2010-2014


​Independent Work for Distinction
Boston University Biology Department, Embryo Behavior Lab, Prof. Karen Warkentin, 2006-2007


Undergraduate Research Assistant (volunteer)
Boston University Biology Department, Embryo Behavior Lab, Prof. Karen Warkentin, 2005-2007

Boston University Biology Department, Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Lab, Prof. Adrien Finzi, 2005-2007

Research Internship
Academia Sinica Institute of Zoology, Marine Virology Lab, Prof. Ya-Li Hsu, TAIWAN, 2004

Research Assistant; Experimenter (volunteer)
Boston University Psychology Department, Psycholinguistics Lab, Prof. Catherine Harris, 2003-2004

Work Experiences

​Field Biologist
Santa Ana Watershed Association

Riverside Biological Monitoring Program, California, 2008-2009

Primarily working on the Herpetology Crew under the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan conducting day and night surveys for threatened or endangered amphibians and reptiles. In addition, also conducted carnivore studies (track, scat, camera stations), small mammal trapping, as well as rare plant studies in the plan area.  

Fish and Wildlife Scientific Aide

California Department of Fish and Game, California, 2007-2008

Worked on the Herpetology Crew under the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. Monitored targeted species using herp arrays (funnel traps and fence traps), coverboards, as well as conducting stream surveys and turtle trapping efforts. In addition, surveyed and monitored endangered fairyshrimp populations in the plan area. 

Undergrad Research Intern (NSF-REU)
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, PANAMA, 2006

Studied the role of vibrational cues in the premature hatching of the Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) and developmental changes in response to snake vibrations both in the field and with playbacks in laboratory settings. 

© S.Poo. all rights reserved.

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